It's My Birth Month!!

Hi Guys!!

It feels like I have not blogged in forever! It's the beginning of March and I'm excited because its a great month and It's my birth month (yay me). This is going to be a great year because I am continuing my healthy journey and reaching some goals I've made.

Now to the great! I happen to go food shopping the other day and there was a great sale on tilapia at a market I went to and could not help but stock up. Today I made Sunflower Seed Encrusted Tilapia topped with Broccoli & Yellow Squash with Vegetable Quinoa it was so delicious. In addition to a great way to have healthy fats and proteins in your diet.

 The recipe goes as follows:
  •   4-5  Tilapia Fillets
  • 1tbs Siracha
  • 1tbs Old Bay Seasoning
  • 1tbs Garlic Powder
  • 1tbs Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Salt & pepper
  • 3tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1c of thinly sliced Yellow Squash
  • 1c Shredded Cheese
  • 1c Bread Crumbs
  • A handful of sunflower seeds (crush with a pan)
  • A package of quinoa
  • 1 package of fresh broccoli steamed
 In a bowl toss in tilapia old bay seasoning, garlic powder, oil, apple cider vinegar, salt & pepper. Let sit in the fridge for 10-15minutes. Meanwhile prepare quinoa according to package, when quinoa is  done, add in any vegetables or beans that you would like. On a plate place bread crumbs, mixed with salt, pepper and crushed sunflower seeds. Bring out tilapia and make assembly line with the tilapia, bread crumbs and the nonstick pan that you will be baking it on, after each fillet is covered with bread crumbs and placed on the pan top tilapia with sliced yellow squash, then sprinkle with cheese, and cover with aluminum foil. Pre-heat oven at 350F then place in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, and take off aluminum foil, top with bread crumbs. Turn broiler on low, place pan in oven for 3-5 minutes (keep an eye on it). Remove from heat and serve with quinoa and steamed broccoli.
Plate Serve and Enjoy

Happy Manjè



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